waiting outside Irving Farms

so very intently
 the door
 for his person/people 

i did get him to look at me .. what a sweetie

speaking of sweet
thank you all so much
 the kind words
 the empathy
 the sympathy

 it is much appreciated

Wendy loved food
 after a trip anywhere
 (she traveled a lot with her husband a musician)
 she would send
 every meal
 not just what she ate
 what everyone ate

 at some point
she bought a small camera
 adding photos
 to the drool inducing descriptions

 she complained
(a film/video editor)
could not
 put the photos
where she wanted them

 i suggested a blog
 it was going to be called
 west side wendy
 all things upper westside
 allow her
to share her
food photos

 it never got off the drawing board
she read and encouraged my blog

at the time of this writing
 there've been
 more than any other post
i ever published

 i imagine

widened eyes
 raised eyebrows
 a big smile
