keep a good thought, please

She's in need of your help.
Please keep strong positive thoughts going her way today.
Please keep strong positive thoughts going her way today.
My sister whose cat Minnie passed only 2 weeks ago is afraid of losing her other cat, Ally. Ally is a tortoise who is 10 and a little cutie. This past weekend she was acting oddly after having a perfect yearly exam earlier in the week. She is now in the animal hospital for tests to determine if she has a brain tumor!
Update: Sister emailed me this:
Ally is doing slightly better this morning—pupil disparity has decreased
slightly and she is walking not just in circles and is currently having her
x-rays. He will call me with those results and then we will do the MRI (assuming
no metastases in her lungs).
If she did have a stroke (vascular) they would be able to tell from the MRI.
I’ll keep you posted. Keep your fingers crossed that is what she had.