its monday again

I was feeling sad
 this morning
 I didnt get to the Staten Island Ferry
 on Friday
 it was my 

 its my last 

 has this coming Friday off 

I was walking from the subway to the office
 when someone called out 
Hey Miss Daryl
 it was one of the guys from our mailroom 
he and I exchanged back to work greetings
 he asked how I had enjoyed the summer 
I explained how sad I was
 no more Fridaycations 
he pointed out
 that this coming weekend
 a 4 day weekend
we have Monday off

  oh boy 
did I ever perk up

 made me telling you about the weekend
 less sad 

 my 'keratin'ing' of the hair was successful
 a mere 2 hours
it was done
 I sweated up a storm
 my hair is not frizzy
 its a little too flat right now 
I am happy 

Zhen combing in the goop

 adding heat 

 bride of frankenstein look

finally smooth and sleek

an artist at Brazilian Blow Outs 
(doesnt that sound like a big sale event?)
was also pleasant to spend time with Saturday

I walked over to Park Avenue
 I was done 
to get photos
 Niki de Saint Phalle's 
wildly colorful mosaic statues
the Park Avenue Mall
 from 50th to 60th Streets

this is 
my favorite
its part of a threesome called
Les Trois Graces

my favorite shot of the day
 was taken when I headed home
walking up Madison Avenue

so very Madison Avenue
so very New York City

Have a great week
I'm going to!