NaBloPoMo ... dont you love internet abbrevs?
It stands for National Blog Posting Month.
Every month they pick a theme which you are supposed to post about.
You also get a nifty badge to put on your sidebar.
I dont always stick to their theme
but for March the theme is
In A Word.
This fits my new style of being wordful/wordy most of the time
I decided to use it at least in today's post.
Of course being the rebel I am,
I am doing this on the last day of February
not the first day of March
(we'll get to what's happening with Toonsday later in post).
To choose a word to inspire or challenge NaBloPoMo
offers both
Save the Words and/or One Word.
I opted for One Word
the random word it gave me was
Interestingly this is a significant word for me.
I actually have a collection of keychains, key rings.
Not that I actually collect them myself.
Its a collection other people:
friends, family,
business associates
have given me over the years.
But it might have started with this one
Can you read it?
It says:
Its not an easy job being a princess but somebody's got to do it.
My dad gave me that.
I was his princess.
I used it for many many many years until the actual ring broke off
I was afraid to use it for fear I would lose it.
Losing it would have been horrible.
This is the one I use now
Hearts are another thing I collect.
There wont be a new Toon tomorrow
Toonman is back in hospital.
A small easily fixable complication
from having two surgeries in under a week
He says not to worry, he'll be back with
new Toons soon.
*disclaimer: again all photos in this post were taken with my iPhone so they're not all that great .. sorry.