blog fest recappage
that Mama (Mental P to you'all)
picked me up at a few minutes past the butt crack of dawn
to head down to
Virginia ..
Mathews, Virginia..
to BLOG FEST!!!!!!
picked me up at a few minutes past the butt crack of dawn
to head down to
Virginia ..
Mathews, Virginia..
to BLOG FEST!!!!!!
We made excellent time pulling
into CountryGirl Kate's
amazingly beautiful driveway at a little past 10 a.m.
into CountryGirl Kate's
amazingly beautiful driveway at a little past 10 a.m.
Met George in person but
& it made him hide
& it made him hide
After Annie joined us
we got everything stowed away & set out for Virginia
Kate is the most awesome map reader/navigator in the history of the world ....
okay so I maybe exaggerating a teensy bit.
we got everything stowed away & set out for Virginia
Kate is the most awesome map reader/navigator in the history of the world ....
okay so I maybe exaggerating a teensy bit.
sticking close behind Annie's car.
It was a mostly uneventful ride ... we stopped for lunch at The Cracker Barrel about 11:30ish and had some good food and chat.
Stopped at a gas station on Historyland Highway (where I shot this critter) to decide which of the two routes (both our landlord for the weekend AND Chesapeake Bay Woman, a Blogfest hostess along with Angie (BigHairEnvy), provided directions) to take, to use the facilities AND buy some water ...
The woman at the register asked me if I was going to take pix of the 'Ladies Room' ... I said no, but she thought I ought to.
I didn't.
I am like that.
Janice's delightful mother Mary Ann (who looks like Joanne Woodward)
helped with all the fabulous food and drink
as did all the bloggers
everyone brought something
(I brought 3 dozen H&H Bagels)
helped with all the fabulous food and drink
as did all the bloggers
everyone brought something
(I brought 3 dozen H&H Bagels)
I don't know what time we all got back to Sea Shanty
I do know it was after my regular bedtime and I was wide awake until I was fast asleep.
On Friday morning we woke to the most oppressive humidity ever.
Kate and I drove to the QuickMart to get provisions for breakfast ... silly us, when we got to Janice's there was another huge spread set out ... after eating and gabbing (two activities bloggers excel at) we piled into cars, SUVs and Jeeps forming a caravan and headed out to
Bethel Beach/New Point to see the Lighthouse & a lots of yucky little sand crabs.
we could barely see the Lighthouse
but we did try
but we did try
Next on the agenda
was a photo op stop at the Tabernacle
which is
"below the court house"
on Tabernacle Road
which is
"below the court house"
on Tabernacle Road
Dinner at Sandpiper Reef Restaurant in Hallieford
a wonderful experience for most -
for 2 of us
not so much
a wonderful experience for most -
for 2 of us
not so much
We were joined by one of Janice's blog commenter's brothers
who quizzed us as well as mesmerized us on/with Mathews lore...
who quizzed us as well as mesmerized us on/with Mathews lore...
Saturday was a lot nicer ..
a lot nicer
we caravaned to the Davis Creek dock
a lot nicer
we caravaned to the Davis Creek dock
(and husband of Ann Marie holding Binky)
took us out on the Bay in his boat
some others (other than me)
got actual full shots of a pod of
On to a private beach on Gwynn Island overlooking Hills Bay
grilled us some hot dogs, burgers & salmon
all of Mathews has only dial up internet
as there are no cell towers around
near the beach ....
something to do with boats needing to reach those on land in the event of trouble
Can you believe that is more important
than blogging on high speed internet connections
even making a cellphone call
(if you are not a Verizon subscriber)
without losing the connection!?!
As soon as the connectivity was discovered
all of Mathews has only dial up internet
as there are no cell towers around
near the beach ....
something to do with boats needing to reach those on land in the event of trouble
Can you believe that is more important
than blogging on high speed internet connections
even making a cellphone call
(if you are not a Verizon subscriber)
without losing the connection!?!
As soon as the connectivity was discovered
some spectacular SkyWatch worthy skies
as the sun set over the far side of the bay.
as the sun set over the far side of the bay.
had early flight out of Newport News
so they were on the road by 6:45;
the rest of us hit the road at 8 on the nose
caravaning back to Kate's before heading north.
so they were on the road by 6:45;
the rest of us hit the road at 8 on the nose
caravaning back to Kate's before heading north.

that's Mama, the tart, chic, amazing chauffeur and friend, with me
outside Casa Edelstein
where Husband,
eager to see me after 4 days away,
met us camera in hand
(he needs his own blog!)
to record our auspicious return
carry my bags!
I am SO looking forward to next year, cause this has got to be an annual event!