things i have done
Saw this over at Akelamaku's blog Everything and Nothing.
My 'dids' are in bold
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars – No, but I’ve made love under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity – No, but I do donate
7. Been to
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo -
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty- I waited while Husband and his daughters did.
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the
20. Slept on an overnight train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
24. Built a snow fort
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a
28. Ridden in a gondola in
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise – well if the
33. Seen
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied (in general)
38. Seen the
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke – only in a group, never solo, I can clear a room if I sing
42. Seen
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
edited to say: Apologies, the link to Everything and Nothing wasnt working because Blogger was being a bugger. All better now.
edited again to say I discovered I didnt paste the whole list .. come back tomorrow for the rest