housekeeping stuff

name the cloud

Thank you to everyone who entered this clever contest.

I have named the cloud: ... wisps

The winner is: JC 

Email me and I will send you the prize!

what's in a name?

Well .. I am many of those things .. and none of them .. and I am totally laughing that leendaluu and I are the same person ... I knew that!

Dianne .. I spent sooo many years spelling my name and then even more explaining I am NOT a man ... sigh ..

Lizzie .. all that IS true .. I am always getting into trouble BUT I also have this side of me that goes WHOA! Because I also see what might/can happen ... it grounds me but not too much ..

Selfish? Holly .. maybe it said you like Shellfish?

ScrappySue .. that blog roll thing isnt always accurate ..

And the rest o'youse .. I missed you all like crazy!


YES .. these are ALL true .. not a single word is made up ..