a rosie story

Both kits have toys. Gus more than Rose because she likes pipe cleaners more than catnip, go figure. For a long time we had this toy box but it got puked on one time too many so we tossed it.

Toys were all over the floor, no biggie until Husband decided to use a small cardboard box from something we got during the holidays.

He put all the toys in it and over the last few months been trying to get a
photo of Rosie when she is looking for a toy to play with. But she never stays in the box for long, never takes anything out.

Last nite she was in the box looking around, Husband said grab your camera and get a photo. I got the camera, quickly snapped 2-3 shots before I realized she was
not looking for a toy, she was getting ready to PEE!

Yup, the bathroom door was shut, she didnt bother to let us know she needed to go in. She decided to use the toy box and not, I discovered, for the first time. The box was tossed into the recycle pile, Husband was chastized and Rose was stopped before she peed. When I said in a loud voice NO, she RAN to the bathroom with me right behind her. I opened the door and she flew past me into the litter box to pee where she is supposed to.

I think this is a residual of her UTI when she peed everywhere. I think that while she knows she is supposed to use the litter box, that she's supposed to let us know she needs to get into the bathroom if the door is shut she opted for the toy box because it was so convenient and noone ever told her NO ..